Thursday, July 4, 2013


sand and sun

With the Smith family

Chasing the waves

Thank you for being wonderful hosts. 

Pete at the beach

Newport Beach Temple

Going home

Things I have observed in the past six weeks:

Nate makes the best creme brulee. I love the sound of ocean waves. I miss hanging with my brothers. Peter is an excellent travel partner. Bullwinkle really is a remarkable dog. Kids grow way too fast. Love can grow deeper. I am capable of winning a game of Settlers. It's a small world (all roads go through Spokane). Families can be together forever. There ain't nothin' like Mama's homemade cookin'. Being overwhelmed by the love and generosity shown to Peter and me during our trip home by our parents, family, and friends. Road trips are fun. Paul and Melanie are hitched! Leah turned nine! That I love the Northwest. But I love coming back to Arkansas! Kind friends pick you up from the airport and offer you a meal. And another couple drop off a note and meal at your house. And people text and invite you and can't wait to see you...

It's a good trip when you get to say "We're going home!" more than once.