Monday, January 27, 2014

The List: January 2014

For 2014, I want to do a small summary each month of what Peter and I have been up to. What do you think?

To read: A Kind of Flying by Ron Carlson. Hilarious short stories. 

To watch: Sabrina, with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogard. Romantic and funny. Classic. 

To do: We got to see Peter's brother's Isaac and Ben! Stay up late playing board games like Settlers of Catan.

To eat: BBQ ribs. Real, southern barbecue. 

Pete has been busy student teaching and attending to his own school work. This semester he is teaching at a high school, all seniors. The book they are studying right now is The Merchant of Venice  by ol' William Shakespeare. I started working full time, still at the Montessori school. Between keeping our days busy with work and school, and balancing church callings and activities, we have been pretty successful at finding time for exercise (out on the great running trail we have) and time for relaxing. Pete is sorting out his teaching licensure for Washington state and inquiring about countless teaching and coaching positions. We are so excited for 2014!


My Dad just took a new job with Aramco, and moved to Saudi Arabia. He wanted an updated picture. It keeps reminding me that I need to take more pictures. Time is flying by!

Snow days

It's been a cold and dreary winter here in Arkansas! 


“When you teach a boy, you are just teaching another individual,” President Harold B. Lee declared, “but when you teach a woman or a girl, you are teaching a whole family.”